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Re: Old Posts

From: <mbarnett@mindspring.com>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 1:10 PM

> Alta Vista broke a few things when they did their website
> redesign recently. A lot of links were dropped such as
> ones ending in .mv (Miva Script)
> No entries under the Discussion groups for the search
> word "Apisto"

None of the other sites retrieve anything, all the way to engines such as
Chubba, which uses everyone else's databases.

Go to Deja dot com, or just enter
http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp?AN=481568961&fmt=text and you'll see it's been
a problem practically forever. I know that I, for one, have *never* been
able to get anything, and I've been following the List for a couple of

Qutie frankly, other than the occasional posts that Erik deems archival, it
seems that a huge amount of information "goes down the drain". This is
especially frustrating when your question is answered with nothing more than
"we've gone over this before - check the archives".

And even the ASG's site contains nothing more than references to its
officers and offers for subscriptions. So retrievable information isn't even
possible from the group *dedicated* to the fishes' study (which, other than
the occasional mag, makes one wonder just what benefits are to be gained by


David A. Youngker

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