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RE: thanks for rams (question for Mike)

It has to do with the life cycle of Ich. It is a parasite that encysts on
the fish after a short period of feeding it drops off, falls into the
gravel, breeds, and multiplies. the youngsters then seek out a new host to
encyst on. not having light disrupts their ability to find a host to attach
to. Since they only have a short window of opportunity to attach, if we turn
off the lights for a week and they have to attach to a host we disrupt their
ability to complete their life cycle they can't become adults and breed,
thusly we clear the tank of ich without meds. Gravel vacs also help by
removing the critters while they are not attached to the fish.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simone Vicini [mailto:svicini@lcnet.it]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 7:36 AM
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
Subject: thanks for rams (question for Mike)

So my rams are feeling a lot better now, your advices gave me a lot of help.

Mike can you please explain me how light can be a solution for ick?

I've never heard about that before but since I switched off the lights my
rams got well!!!

Thanks a lot


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