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A. panduro ???'s

Hi Folks

As one of the resident Aussie lurkers I am really excited to say I
recently acquired a pair of A. panduro (wild caught) This fish has only
been available here for about 6 months and is still outrageously priced

Anyway I have a couple of questions regarding my pair.

a) at what sort of size are they likely to start spawning.  Mine are
currently about 3cms in length.  They were only about 2 and bit cm when
I got them and have grown quite slowly.  Current diet is tetra bits in
the morning + either frozen bloodworm or live mosquito larvae in the
evening.  (summer's arrived Ive got mossies breeding everywhere!)

I am currently keeping them in a 5ogal tank with a number of other SA
dwarfs and juvenile angels.  I was wondering on their compatibility in a
shallow 3ft tank (about 18gal voloume) with a pair of A. agassizi.  I am
hoping to spawn them but dont have a completely separate tank at the



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