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Nannochromis tranvestitus

I would set up a tank of 80*40*30 cm (96 liters ) to  kep Nanochromis
My questions are :
0 is the size of the tank enough for this fish ?
1 the soil : sand or little gravel ( les than 2 mm ) ?
2 the filtration : if gravel is good , what about UGF?
3 heating : under the soil or normal ?
 4 how many fishes : a couple or a male and two females or 2 couples ?
 4 others inhabitants : I think that's good to have 5 Nannostomus
beckfordi for the upper level of the tank and I hesitate to add up
Nematobrycon palmeri or a couple Pelvicachromis taeniatus for exemple.
What do you mean about this ?
Many thanks for replays and advices
PPS Sorry for all this question although I've seen the archives of the
thekrib on nannochromis tranvestitus

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