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Re: Nannochromis tranvestitus

Many thanks for your advices!
I'm going to the shop to buy sand , tomorrow; and set up my tank.I've reserved a
couple for the next friday.
Jacques Besson
Frauley/Elson a écrit:

> Jacques BESSON wrote:
> >
> > I would set up a tank of 80*40*30 cm (96 liters ) to  kep Nanochromis
> > transvestitus.
> > My questions are :
> > 0 is the size of the tank enough for this fish ?
> > 1 the soil : sand or little gravel ( les than 2 mm ) ?
> > 2 the filtration : if gravel is good , what about UGF?
> > 3 heating : under the soil or normal ?
> >  4 how many fishes : a couple or a male and two females or 2 couples ?
> >  4 others inhabitants : I think that's good to have 5 Nannostomus
> > beckfordi for the upper level of the tank and I hesitate to add up
> > Nematobrycon palmeri or a couple Pelvicachromis taeniatus for exemple.
> > What do you mean about this ?
> > Many thanks for replays and advices
> > J.Besson
> > PPS Sorry for all this question although I've seen the archives of the
> > thekrib on nannochromis tranvestitus
> Jacques,
> My recipe is what has worked for me.
> They dig, therefore a fairly deep (5-6cm) sand substrate is good. I
> would keep one pair in a tank that size. I think taeniatus would be
> killed if the transvestitus decided to breed, and I find a lot of
> aggression among these fish. I never succeeded with multiple pairs or
> trios. After the first successful spawning by my fish, I had a lot of
> transvestitus to experiment with.
> A trick that stimulated breeding was to bury a cave in the sand. The
> fish excavate under flat rocks, so you can direct them into producing a
> cave you can see into, but they feel very happy with as a territory.
> When they could dig, they did, and it seemed part of the spawning
> ritual.
> For this reason, I would avoid an undergravel system. I heated with a
> standard submersible heater, and filtered with large sponges. I had no
> trouble with the fish, although they were hard to spawn. The young were
> very sensitive and demanding.
> Their water should be very soft. They spawned in rainwater here.
> If I remember correctly, I had both Aphysemion biteniatum and later
> Epiplatys sp as companions. Nannostomus would be a good choice too.
> Nematobrycon claim territories on the bottom, so I don't like keeping
> them in with cichlids.
> Gary
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