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RE: D.maculatus

Mmm, isn't it Crenicara punctulata that is known for the sex change?  Maybe
D.maculatus does also.  Anyone any further info on this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Erick [mailto:JonesE@CommercePath.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 16:24
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
Subject: RE: D.maculatus

I've heard that D. Maculatus is one of the few freshwater species that can
actually change sex dependent on presence of males. Much like many saltwater
species do, the change is male to female. So you may try pulling the males
as they develop to see if you get a higher percentage. No proof it is just
what I've heard from reputable sources. 

Erick Jones

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy & Deb Carey [mailto:carey@spacestar.net]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 4:47 PM
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
Subject: Re: D.maculatus

I don't recall the age, but I do remember that it took a while.  Both Julio
and I
have been having a very hight female ratio. I once thought I had 9 females
every male.  However, it seems that some males are subdominant.  When I
the obvious male, another fish might take his place as the obvious male in

But if the fry are only 3 months old, I wouldn't panic...yet.  I can see it
taking 5 months or so before any males emerge.  I'm pretty sure that they
well over an inch before showing.  (Next time, I'll have to document growth


Ken Laidlaw wrote:

> Hi All,
> Does anyone know at what age/size D.maculatus begin to show the difference
> between males and females.  My friend spawned them in August and they are
> now approx 0.75"TL.  All 18 still look like females with clear tails. They
> were spawned in de-ionised water with pH~5.
> Thanks,
> Ken.
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