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Re: Jose

Jose gives us some input -

>- It is very important that the AGA directs the contest but just don't
>segregate people that are not member if there is going to be a fee it will
>be best to be the same for everyone (although I will like it to be free)

The issue of fees has only been touched on to this point in time - I
initially brought the possibility up but mainly to obtain some input from
Karen on what is likely to be the official AGA position. I see absolutely no
reason for AGA members and non-AGA members to be treated the same in this
regard however. If this is ultimately to be an AGA event, then being a dues
paying AGA member has to count for _something_ (at least in my opinion).
Whether or not fees are charged for the general public is another matter
entirely, and one which has yet to be fully addressed by everyone. If the
AGA is able to fund the contest, then I think that it _should_ be free of
cost for participants, members or not - we want as many people as possible
to enter, and any entrance fee, however small, will discourage at least
_some_ people. but this point remains open to general discussion and input.

>- I also like idea of the people's choice option.

This is definately a possibility, especially if the entries are posted to a
web-site. However, we must remain aware of the fact that not everyone has
Internet access and a large part of the audience and potential "entrants
pool" will be folks who do not have such access and it might be rather
unfair if they are effectively "frozen out" of this portion of the voting
process. If anyone can think of ways around this, I'd be glad to hear them.

>I think that this will be valuable as future information for publications
>the web or magazines.

I agree 100% on this point.

I would like to thank Jose for asking to get involved in this process, and
for sharing his ideas with us - keep them coming Jose. You are the sole
contributor from South America and we are going to need your help to get
submissions from aquarists both in Peru and in other countries on your

James Purchase