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Tank contest? I think not.

Anyone who thinks we are having a tank contest is seriously mistaken.  In a
tank contest tanks are judged.   We are thinking of having a PHOTO contest,
where photos are judged.  And since it is the electronic version of the
photo that is being judged, the creation of the electronic version should
be under the control of the submittor (else he/she can claim that a
converter screwed them up).

Given all this, what is wrong with doctoring?   I have a clown loach snap
showing a java fern leaf with a black hole in it.   I fixed the hole, since
it tended to draw your attention from the fish, which was the whole point
of the picture.   Nothing wrong with that.   Tropica illustrates their
catalog with drawings so that by lying they can tell the truth.   It is
just a different form.
Dave Gomberg, San Francisco            mailto:gomberg@wcf.com
The latest in CO2 news:     http://www.wcf.com/co2iron 
Tropica MasterGrow in the USA:      http://www.wcf.com/tropica 