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Re: Judges

James wrote:
<<<Amano does not speak English. However, he does have several employees who
do - Hideki Higuchi is one who comes to mind>>>

The fact that I named Amano was only because that's the first thing that
popped into my head. (NAW book 1 just happens to be sitting beside my 'puter
right now)  He does seem to be the universally acknowledged aquascaping god!

<<<But if we are looking for someone from the Pacific (oriental) area,
and/or Kobayashi (The Natural Aquarium) might be considered as well. I don't
know if they speak English>>>
<<<I really liked Karen's suggestion of Kaspar Horst (retired head of
Claus Christensen (Tropica)
Barry James (British - author of several aquarium plant books)
Christel Kasselmann (Germany - author of Aquarienpflanzen) - however, does
she speak English???>>>

These all sound like excellent choices to me!  However, depending on how
many judges we want ( a good question, huh? I'd say at *least* 5.) and what
percentage agree to be judges, we might not be able to limit ourselves to
people within the hobby.  Or for that matter, do we want to anyway?  If we
have a large panel of judges, it might be interesting to have one that knows
nothing about aquascaping and judges only on whether or not he/she thinks it
looks good.  :-)

Dave Engle
Escondido (San Diego) California


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