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Re: Keeping 'Em Honest - submission elements

Olga has been sending me photographs of her tanks lately, and one shot in
particular I just fell for in a big way. It features a beautiful piece of
driftwood and has what appeared in the overall shot to be a really nice,
very large rock in the background, with a lush clump of Val's in the right
center background. What appreared to be overgrown stem plants were obscuring
the view of the rock and I suggested, after looking at the photo for several
minutes, that Olga trim them back to bring out the rock into a more
prominent visual position within the aquascape.

Much to my shagrin, Olga has just informed me that the "rock" and the "clump
of Val's" are in actuality printed images on the background paper attached
to the back of the tank!

We are _definately_ going to need detail shots to be able to detect such

This is no offence to Olga, it is still a beautiful shot of a nice tank, but
she showed me how _easy_ it can be to fool someone's eye.

James Purchase
<blushing a deep shade of crimson>

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