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Re: Judging

Olga wrote:
<<<The judges enter their own fish
but their vote is excluded when it comes to their fish. If we have several
judges and they are not all "friends" then I think that could work and that
way some good aquascapers would not be excluded.>>>

I hate not having a specific reason for an opinion, but in this case, I
don't.  I just don't think that the judges should enter the competition.
Showcase, yes.  Contest, no.  Just my opinion.

<<<Celebrities?? I think not. Sounds like something getting out of hand to

Why not?  :-)  I was mostly bringing that up to point out that *anyone* can
have a good sense of what a good looking planted tank looks like.  We do not
need all of the judges to be "experts".  As Karen mentioned earlier, haven't
you been to an art show and you totally disagreed with everything the judges
voted on?  Does that mean you don't know what good art is, since you
disagreed with the experts? No, and we're going to have judges that favor a
particular style of aquatic garden no matter who is on the panel.  I didn't
intend people to start wracking their brain for their favorite celebrity to
judge this, I just wanted to make a point.  (But....Just think of some of
the judges comments if we had Adam Sandler and Steve Martin on the panel! )

Dave Engle
Escondido (San Diego) California


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