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Radical Ideas

While I'm thinking about striking an approriate balance here between our
various approaches to this hobby, I wouild just like to say something about
comments I made to George Booth in an earlier post.

The subject was "Categories" and I expanded on one possible way this event
could be presented on the Web-site which would allow us to forego setting up
any concrete structures in advance. I acknowledge that my vision of a
"virtual" display space might seem radical and possibly unweildly to some
(most???) of you.

The concept of doing this on the Web is already radical enough. It might be
asking too much on my part for everyone to take a second leap. In the spirit
of my previous post to Roger, where I asked him to restrain his emphasis on
"Art" in favour of a more egalitarian approach to this event which would
make more people feel comfortable and at home, I am more than willing to go
along with a more traditional event, which _includes_ sturctures such as
"Categories" and "Judging" if that is what the general concencus of the
group is.

It should always be possible for me to do a "mock up" of my idea _after_ we
have held our first event, and invite people to come to my personal web
space to explore it. If it is well received and the concept works well, then
perhaps it could be presented to the AGA MC for consideration in NEXT year's

I don't wish this to become scary for anyone, and I am more than willing to
make whatever compromizes necessary to _my_ personal vision to accomodate
the rest of you.


James Purchase

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