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A few minutes ago, I posted...

>4. The event is to be designed and executed in such a manner that
>_everyone_, regardless of approach to the hobby, years of experience, or
>level of skill, feels threatened or excluded.

Ken caught me...

>I believe you meant "nobody" - Freudian or grammarian? <g>

Oh my GAWD! All I can say is that I'm tired (was up at 4:00 am again and
it's 1:30 pm the next day), hungry and _definately_ in need of some fresh

Point #4 in my earlier post _should_ read as follows...

4. The event is to be designed and executed in such a manner that
_nobody_, regardless of approach to the hobby, years of experience, or
level of skill, feels threatened or excluded.

Thanks Ken,

James Purchase

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