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Re: Mission Statement/Common Goals

On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, James Purchase wrote:
> 1. The focus is on Aquascaping, not art, craft, or technical wizardry with a
> camera.

Aquascaping is an intentional act and it seems to me that it must be
either art or craft (or both).  What else is there?

I draw a line (indistinct, perhaps) between gardening, aquascaping, and

I have no problem with items 2 and 3.

> 4. The event is to be designed and executed in such a manner that
> _everyone_, regardless of approach to the hobby, years of experience, or
> level of skill, feels threatened or excluded.
> 5. Nothing which excludes a large portion of our audience is acceptable
> (except of course we have to accept the fact that this is Web based).

First, I'm afraid that you can't have a competition without excluding
someone.  Someone wins, someone does not.

Second, when you get to the point where building a good aquascape is your
priority in the hobby it means that you've already passed a few other
milestones.  That means that an aquascaping showcase and competition is
for aquarists who have already made those first steps.

> 6. This is a FUN hobby. This should be a FUN showcase and competition.

FUN is fine, but can we keep CHALLENGING and REWARDING, too?


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