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James comments:

I looked in the archives for the missing 127 and found this from James:
The beauty and the power of the WWW (and I think there is an epistle on
_that_ in the Archives as well) is that it frees the viewer from traditional
structure. You don't _have _ to start at page 1 and move sequentially
through to page 10 - you can hyper-jump into another universe altogether if
you wish, at any time. The experience is yours to create. Imagine the
freedom, imagine the power.

It is quite clear to me, from reading the many posts which have been made,
that I am the only one who sees this in this way. My job right now, as I see
it, is to effect a paradigm shift (sorry for the word, but it is the correct
term) in the thinking of everyone here. STOP thinking along traditional
lines. This is Cyber Space, NOT the municipal arena where your local club
holds its contests. We don't HAVE to do this the old way.

James, I love the Web and all that goes with it but you've lost me here.
WHAT are you talking about?? What "old" way? You mean by having categories?
Without them you may not get anyone wanting to enter their 5 gallon tank.
If they think they are going up against a 120 gallon.. well, why bother?
Sure, I understand your point... but it isn't just us who have to think
"differently"... it would have to be ALL the contestants too, which is
asking rather a lot... especially for all those unconnected people that
everyone keeps worrying about that have never been on the Web or sent an
e-mail message in their life!

BTW I thought we'd agreed no paludariums? These include non-aquatic plants. 

I say NO plastic plants... I mean, common here... this is about aquatic
gardening and not "decorating"... isn't it?? Art is fine in the context of
aquatic gardening. I don't mind decorations and pink gravel as long as it
is a real planted tank. I've seen some of those and they are bright and
funny and interesting... but no plastic plants... please.

I'm afraid that to me it sounds as though you really want a showcase and
not a competition... which is cool with me... if that's what most people
want. In that case anything can go.. plastic plants and all... but I can't
believe the AGA would be particulary interested then.

stuggling to understand here in Vancouve... duh...?

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