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Olga's comments

Olga writes that she is confused by my comments made to George Booth about
one possible way this could be handled which would really take advantage of
the Web and hyperlinks.

It is quite certain that Olga was affected by the missing digest problem or
that she is not following this rather quickly evolving thread via the
archives (http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest/).

Olga, I realize that my suggestion was radical, and obviously too radical
for most. In a later post I stated that fact and acknowledged that perhaps
one radical idea at a time is enough (putting the display entirely on the
web is considered by many as radical). I am more than willing to forego
pushing the idea and to work along more traditional lines, if that is what
everyone else wants. I _don't_ want this derailed by _my_ thinking.

Olga continues:

>I'm afraid that to me it sounds as though you really want a showcase and
>not a competition... which is cool with me... if that's what most people

Here Olga, I believe that it is you who are out of step, and not me. The
initial discussion which took place on the APD was a thread about
aquascaping and how it differs in various parts of the world. I suggested
that we showcase the various styles which people in different parts of the
world keep their tanks. Maybe I used the inappropriate word "competition",
but once this list got up and going it became rather clear that people
wanted more than just a "competition". Some people are intimidated by
competition, and would not enter one. How many enteries did the last AGA
competition get?

The term "showcase" began to be used and was eventually adopted by those
members of this group who voted as their #1 choice (AGA International
Aquascaping Showcase & Competition). As the alternative, with the words
Competition and Showcase reversed in both order and implicit emphasis, was
the group's #2 choice (and I believe your list-posted #1 choice), I gather
that the _group_ feels as I do and that while this event has aspects of BOTH
showcase and competioion, the SHOWCASE aspect is the one we are placing more
emphasis upon. This goes along with the "warm fuzzy" feeling that so many
people seem to favour.

Olga further states:

>In that case anything can go.. plastic plants and all... but I can't
>believe the AGA would be particulary interested then.

Perhaps. But then again, in a recent post to Roger (follow along in the
archives on this, please - don't wait for the digest), I addressed this very

I am VERY concerned that we not get too far off track and lose sight of who
I want to back this event. I KNOW what the AGA stands for, I have been a
member for a couple of years. I am very aware of the importance of achieving
balance here.

A lot of folks, Karen included, seem to favour inclusion over exclusion.
Karen herself as much as stated that _anything_ which cut out the
non-Internet connected membership of the AGA was going to put this proposal
in jeopardy. I know that she feels the same way about over emphasis on
ART/CRAFT issues. The AGA is about gardening, I know that and that's why I'm
a member.

But in this life, it can sometimes be difficult for anyone, individual or
organization, to have their cake and eat it too. Life is about compromise
(to use Karen's word, balance). If the AGA, via Karen wants inclusion to be
a guiding principle of an AQUASCAPING event, then they have to be very
careful about just what they deem acceptable and not acceptable. Otherwise,
they run the risk of appearing elitist, an epithet which has already been
levelled against several of the more vocal organizers here.

In my post to Roger, I suggest that he may very well have hit upon a
compromise solution which everyone can live with. If the "Showcase" portion
of this event is open to all sorts of aquascapes while the "Competition"
portion is limited to aquatic gardens, then perhaps everyone can feel
"included", and "welcome", and the AGA need not feel that their principles
are being violated.

As I said, it may just be the compromise that will solve this issue once and
for all.

What do you think?

James Purchase
AGA member

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