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Inclusion vs Exclusion

James wrote: >> Are you saying Yes, I'm wrong? Or Yes, this should have
aspects of Showcase and Contest? From what you write, it is not clear, at
least to me.

Ken writes: James, I think I answered that with my repost. I should have
left off the YES. No, you were right. Both Showcase and Contest. Everyone
can enter and showcase what they have. The Judges decide what is the current
state of aquascaping. If you enter, you WILL be considered.

James continues:>>On the second point you make, concerning the AGA "being
with us", I appreciate your comments, but please answer the specific
questions I have put to the group, and now (like I did earlier to Olga), put
to you:What definition of "aquascape" do we go with? The wider one which
would accept plastic plants or the narrower one which would limit our
consideration to aquatic gardens with only live plants?

Ken writes:  Again, ANYONE can submit ANYTHING. If they submit it, it will
be on the website. The judges will decide what THEY consider to be the best
examples of aquascaping. If the majority of entrants submit plastic plants
or brackish tanks (doubtful), then our little world could them postulate
that  this IS the state of aquascaping (who would be in a position to
contradict us?). I have no idea that plastic, brackish or African Rift tanks
will be the present state of aquascaping. However with the "everyone is
included" approach,  I believe we will get representative examples from all
types of aquascaping and that would be just fine.  I still would like to be
able to see, in ONE place, examples of what a set of knowledgeable people
believes to be  the best aquascaping (e.g., Dutch, German, American (both
North and South), Asian, whatever). I have no idea we will get that many
entrants from that many different locations, but we sure as heck could shoot
for it.  My answer to your question (or at least what I think you were
asking) is to encourage everyone to enter regardless of what type of
aquascaping they have. Then we will let the judges sort out the "wheat from
shaft". The website would then include the best representation.

Ken Guin
Former AGA member (soon-to-be again)

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