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Re: Core Values after a Walk in the Park

At 12:03 AM 7/20/99 -0500, James wrote:

>1. This event is a Showcase and Competition of Freshwater Aquascapes, open
>to aquarists from all over the world. It is inclusive of attractive displays
>of any type. It is not a fish show nor a photography show. The focus of the
>event is on aquascaping in freshwater aquariums.
>2. Entries may consist of hard copy photographs, slides or transparencies,
>or electronic images which have not been artificially altered other than in
>brightness, tone or gamma. (this might need some work). Submissions may be
>made via e-mail or using regular mail.
>3. All submitted entries shall be Showcased on the Web-site and (possibly) a
>CD-ROM, which will be made available to the entrants and the general public
>at the end of the event for a nominal charge.
>4. Entrants may, should they wish, request that their submission be excluded
>from consideration in the Contest portion of the event.
>5. Judging of the Contest portion of the event, by an independent group of
>experienced Aquarists, shall be free from bias of any kind. Judges are to be
>provided with general guidelines only and expected to exercise their own
>good judgement in making their decisions. The decisions of the judges, in
>inclusion/exclusion of any entry and on their choices of winners, is final.
>Whew! Does anyone have anything to add/adjust/discuss on points 1 through 5
>? (and please, let's just stick to the common goals. My editorializing can
>go without comment.) We can perhaps focus my points with your input and then
>move to voting on them. The core values, like the name issue, should be
>democratically done.

Good work!  (I just wasted an afternoon!<g>)

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