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Turnip Contest

James wrote:

>Most of what I see tends to concern itself with "points" and how many points
>each different quality should have.
>We are NOT judging turnips at a county fair.

I, personally, would prefer to give the judes guidelines, then let them
just pick what they like on their own.  I would prefer _not_ to use a
"point system".  I was under the impression that a points system was what
most people wanted. That is the _only_ reason I added some comments to the
system that Olga proposed. (I haven't yet seen what Justin sent you)

Actually, I just went back to look at what Justin sent, and it doesn't look
_that_ different from what Olga proposed or I suggested changes to.  I
certainly would be willing to work with Amano's list.  But I do think we
have to move some weight AWAY from condition, since we can't judge that
effectively. (Amano is standing in front of a living tank when he judges)
Also, when Amano is judging tanks set up by his own employees, you can
assume that they all come from the same training background, understanf the
basics of setting up and maintaining a planted tank.  I think his scale
assumes that it is a given that the fish will be appropriate.  I don't
think we can make the same assumption.  I don't think the animals should be
given a LOT of weight, partly because we _are_ more interested in
aquascapes, and partly because, like plant condition, it is hard to judge
in photos.  But I think their presence should be included in the judging
guidelines, and their "appropriateness" should have some influence on the

I think we can start the process of developing judging guidelines starting
with either Olga's list or Amano's.  I think both have very good aspects
and that both, for our purposes, need slight modifications.

I also think that it might make sense, via the web site, to have a "trial
run" of our juding criteria, and see if it gives us the results we're
looking for.  I have lots of planted tanks photos, and I know Erik does
too.  There are probably others who have some to.  When we are pretty sure
we like our judging guidelines, let's set up a mock class, including a
range of tank types, and a range of photo quality, and see if the numbers
make it harder to judge or easier.


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