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Ken writes:

Our little hassles over art vs. mechanics reminds me of the old saying
"measuring with micrometers then cutting with chain saws".  Although we
probably do need to be as specific as we can during this stage of
development, I cannot help but believe that we are all going to be surprised
by some of the "junk" that will be entered in this event. Maybe we should
even consider a "tacky-but-cute" category.

As categories will probably be picked by "us" and depend on number of
entries we may find it reasonable to indeed have a "novelty" category. I
remember a few years ago some folks on the APD talking about "cheese" tanks
where they went out of their way to have tanks with bubbling this and that
and wild colours. There are bound to be entries like this and I think they
could be a lot of fun and not discouraged.

in Vancouver

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