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So far, only mainly positive comments regarding the latest versions of
Judging Guidelines and Scoring Guidelines. I'm going to be re-reading what
comments have been said and seeing where things can be "neatened up".... my
previous post regarding leaving "criteria" open is only one possibility....
is it one folks can live with or do you want to be more specific? Speak up
now or that's the way I'll leave it....once I get it re-written I'll post it
and folks can give a final yea or nay. Again, this is going to take a
while... so where to next????

Looking back at the Agenda which I posted to the web-site quite a while ago,
I see that there are a few items left...

A. We have to discuss the types of awards and prizes we wish to give out.

B. We have to discuss promotion.

C. We have to discuss entrance fees and

D. Costs.

They are all pretty much tied together in some ways, so here's how I suggest
we proceed alphabetically.

If anyone has any other things which have not been thought of to date.....
speak up.

James Purchase

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