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Re: Convincing the AGA MC that this is a "Good Thing"

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, James Purchase wrote:

> Tying these together (the "potatoes" of the proposal) shall be done in the
> body of the document. That part is relatively easy and also largely done but
> I would like some input on people's ideas as to how we can convince a
> possibly skeptical AGA MC that this event is in the best interests of the
> organization. I didn't seem to have much success with convincing Karen of
> that fact over the course of our discussions.

If I were writing the proposal, I think I would actually have a section
that is titled "How the AGA Benefits from Presenting This Contest".  And I
would flat out list, either bulletted or in straight text, all the reasons
the contest is good for the AGA as an organization.  Some of the key
features I see (and really, why I continue to support this project being
an AGA event):

  * Promotes the hobby.
  * Promotes the AGA.  Perhaps brings in new members.
  * Promotes participation from our members.
  * Promotes information exchange between our members.
  * Material for AGA web site and/or publication.
  * Very little monetary investment required.

In addition, some features which are not reasons WHY to support it, but
which help facilitate this to be an "AGA Event":

  * Several AGA members helping in its genesis, including two steering
    committee members.
  * AGA web geek guy already pledging technical support.
  * If the project fails this year, not much lost.

I'm pretty sure that if you can keep the budget from getting too out of
hand and show proof of bodies willing to carry out most of the work, then
it should be a snap (though nothing seems like a snap these days).

FYI: I have talked to a few people in our local club about the concept,
and most everyone's first reaction is "oh crap, I can't win a photo
contest."  But they are somewhat more enthusiastic when I mention it's
primarily a showcase, and that the club can do the photography aspect as a

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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