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Re: One thing we forgot..... Cost estimate for Judge's gifts

Ken wrote:
<<<I think it would be appropriate if we gave them gift
certificates that they could easily redeem. Or, we could actually give them
cash or a check for their efforts.>>>

I don't mean to slam Ken on my first post after my "vacation", but I don't
think that cash or a gift certificate is in good taste.
Hopefully, our judges are going to be people in a position to not have much
need for a gift certificate to That Fish Place.  And giving cash doesn't
exactly portray a heartfelt "Thanks".  Maybe I'm wrong, and money talks, but
if *I* were invited to judge something, and was given a gift afterwards, I
would cherish an engraved money clip, zippo, keychain, or other personal
gift much more than a hundred bucks.  Sure the money would be appreciated,
but ten years from now, will that judge even remember the time he judged the
first AGA aquascaping showcase?  It may take a little more effort on our
part, but it would certainly be cheaper to have a small gift personally
engraved for each judge.  We'd have to do a little research.  Make sure we
don't give a keychain to someone that doesn't drive or a zippo to someone
that doesn't smoke, but I think it would be worth the effort to give 'em
something that they will appreciate, as well as showing our appreciation.
Any thoughts?

Dave Engle

Oh, yeah, it's great to be back!  I was afraid that either I had missed out
on all the fun stuff, or that everyone would give up on the idea before I
got back on the list.

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