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Re: One thing we forgot..... Cost estimate for Judge's gifts

I believe Dave summed up my thoughts rather elequently.  Also, not to slam
Dave, but I believe that even if a particular judge does not drive, surely he
would still have use for a keychain, i.e. house and/or company door locks,
etc.... :)

Mike G.

>I don't mean to slam Ken on my first post after my "vacation", but I don't
>think that cash or a gift certificate is in good taste.
>Hopefully, our judges are going to be people in a position to not have much
>need for a gift certificate to That Fish Place.  And giving cash doesn't
>exactly portray a heartfelt "Thanks".  Maybe I'm wrong, and money talks, but
>if *I* were invited to judge something, and was given a gift afterwards, I
>would cherish an engraved money clip, zippo, keychain, or other personal
>gift much more than a hundred bucks.  Sure the money would be appreciated,
>but ten years from now, will that judge even remember the time he judged the
>first AGA aquascaping showcase?  It may take a little more effort on our
>part, but it would certainly be cheaper to have a small gift personally
>engraved for each judge.  We'd have to do a little research.  Make sure we
>don't give a keychain to someone that doesn't drive or a zippo to someone
>that doesn't smoke, but I think it would be worth the effort to give 'em
>something that they will appreciate, as well as showing our appreciation.
>Any thoughts?
>Dave Engle

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