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RE: Proposal

James, all,

Gracious!  What a handsome proposal!  Okay, sorry for my late response here,
I've been away on business, was sick this weekend, etc. -- hopefully it is
not too late to comment.

I only have one recommendation and one other question:

1.  Page 18.  Entry form includes provision for "State/Province" and then
only mentions "Postal Code."  I think it makes sense to include
"State/Province" and "Zip/Postal Code" on the entry form.  This is how we do
it in the software that my company develops and markets to the U.S. and

2.  It is not clear (and maybe it doesn't need to be, I don't know) whether
the organizing committee, the judges, or the entrants will be classifying
the entries.  What I'm saying is that I don't understand who is going to be
deciding what qualifies as "Aquatic Garden" versus "Natural/Biotope
Aquarium"?  (Reference pg. 12, secion 2 and pg. 16 under "Required

Seriously though, James, thank you for taking the time to do this.  It looks
and feels great!


Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN, USA
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