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Re: HTML et al


Black backfrounds with either white or silver text can look VERY elegant -
I've seen a few poetry web-sites and a photographer's web-site which used it
and the look was smashing, BUT, and this is a big BUT, the FONT used in each
case where I have seen and liked this was NOT "standard" Times Roman, but
one with a larger x height (the size of standard lower-case letters). To my
46 year old eyes (which really could benefit from a pair of bifocals), a
font like Times Roman, which has a relatively small x height, is very
difficult to read on a computer monitor (which is one reason I usually
specify a 12 point font rather than the standard 10 point font) - for "old
eyes" the extra size makes things easier to read. Also for this reason, a
font like "Georgia" (again, from the microsoft typography web-site), is
easier for me to read in small sizes due to it's larger x height.

But can you find (or specify) a set of similar fonts which are available in
"all" o/s which would provide this ease of viewing and which everyone whould
have at least ONE of the choices?

This may seem like I'm being nit-picky, but if our site tires people's eyes,
they aren't going to want to stick around for long on it. It's already going
to be a challenge when it comes to the time required for them to download
the aquascape images.

Regarding sites which would benefit from a makeover to break them up into
more manageable "screen-fuls" is Steve Pushak's. The main page is soooooo
long that it takes forever to load via a slow dial up connection. This is
why I'm concerned that our event web-site be VERY quick to load on people's
machines, over dial up connections. Things like cable modems are becoming
commonplace in north america but a lot of the rest of the world is still
using 2400 baud modems. Things will have to be broken down into easily
downloaded "chunks", with each "chunk" on a separate page. Think of a
"chunk" as a "topic" or "sub-topic".

James Purchase

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