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RE: permission request

Mmmmm, I forgot to post the text of the e-mail I have been sending out to
people who have web-sites I would like to link to - here it is:
I am a member of the Aquatic Gardeners Association. Since June of last year,
a group of us from the AGA and the electronic mailing list Aquatic Plants
Digest have been working on an Internet based event designed to highlight
Aquascaping in freshwater aquariums, brackish aquariums and paludariums. The
formal Proposal for this project, which is now before the Management
Committee of the Aquatic Gardeners Association for review, may be found on
the web at the following URL:

This event was designed from the beginning as a friendly way for hobbyists
from all over the world to share images of their aquascapes and learn from
the example of others. We are currently preparing a dedicated web-site for
the event which will contain details of the event, how to enter, information
about aquacaping and aquarium photography. Ultimately, it will also contain
images of the submitted aquascapes.

The aquascaping information on your web-site would be useful to potential
entrants to our event. We would like to obtain your permission to provide a
link on our event web-site to your web-site.

Yours truly,

James Purchase
Toronto (Canada)
AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest

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