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Last night, I surfed the web looking for more suitable web-sites to use as
links (focusing on aquascaping, plants, brackish aquariums and paludariums).
[I've really GOT to get myself a life..... what a way to spend a Friday

I have uploaded a single page containing those that I feel are most
appropriate for our needs - please take a look at

Erik, could you please check the HTML - is there ANYTHING in the code for
that page which shouldn't be there or that you would have to strip out
before using it on the "real" web-site?

All of these sites have been contacted for permission - a number have
already gotten back to me with a "yes" (nobody has declined so far....).
Several expressed surprise that I would even ASK them, it seems that not
many people ask before linking. My main concern about wanting to have
permission first is due to the fact that hopefully this will be sponsored by
the AGA and I don't want the organization accused of plagiarism. Am I being
overly cautious?

Does ANYBODY have a proper email address for EHEIM in Germany??????? They
have some good biotope information on their web-site that I would like to
link to but I can't seem to find an e-mail address on the web-site.

Erik - I was speaking with Steve Pushak regarding the article he wrote for
the latest TAG. Do you think it would be possible to have that loaded onto
the AGA web-site (as Neil's article on SAE's is) so that it could be
available to the general public? The same goes for Roger Miller's article on
aquarium photography in the latest TAG. Should I ask Mary McCaw?

Also Erik, could you please let me know when the U.S. Postal Service
delivers the hard copy of the Proposal to your doorstep? I'd just like to

James Purchase

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