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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #239


I received your proposal yesterday, and it looks really great.  It will
have my full support with the SC.

In the mean time, there are just few few minor things that I noticed as I
read through.

On page 12:

The was the size breakdown is worded, it is not clear where 15G and 75
gallon tanks will be placed.  The wording needs to be changed to "Small (15
U.S. gallons and under)" or else to "Medium (15 U.S. gallons and over)"
Otherwise, there is no category that they fit into at all.  Same with 75G

(It doesn't make any difference which is chosen, it just needs to be one
way or the other)

On page 13:

#13 might be a little clearer if it said, "The judges will also be
requested to select an entry worthy of receiving a Best of Show award from
among the winners of the individual categories."

On page 14:

# 3 photographic markers are also an acceptable method of marking the backs
of photos.  I like them better as they are less likely to dent the photo.

Also, can people submit digital images on CD or diskette?  In some cases it
might be easier than tying up phone lines for long periods.

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