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Karen's suggested changes

Karen's first point - it is _so_ difficult to proof read something that
you've written yourself.... I hadn't even noticed that. What does this look

3. Within each division, aquascapes will be sorted by size, as follows:

· Small (15 US Gal. & Under / 60 L & Under)
· Medium (Over 15 US Gal. - Under 75 US Gal. / Over 60 L - Under 285 L)
· Large (75 U.S. Gallons & Over / 285 L & Over)

Karen's second point - this was never mentioned before, but it creates no
problem. What about the following wording:

3. Please identify all images with the following information:
· Your name and address
· Image Number (number your images in sequence)
· This information should be lightly printed in pencil or photographic
marker on the back of all photographic prints, on the cardboard or plastic
sleeve of slides. Electronic images should be numbered sequentially.

(Note that I've REMOVED the "attached to an e-mail") due to Karen's third
point -

> Also, can people submit digital images on CD or diskette?  In some cases
> might be easier than tying up phone lines for long periods.

Sure, makes no difference to me. Actually, for people with slow connections
the stamp might be cheaper. It might be possible (even preferable) to
suggest that this is THE way to submit entries - this way, the check for the
Entry Fee is included with everything else and Erik would not have to waste
time matching up entries reveived as e-mails with checks sent in thru the
mail. I should think that this would simplify things for us.

What does everyone else think? It's certainly not too late to make the

James Purchase

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