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Putting content on the web-site

Erik, I think it might be easier if rather than actually placing the files I
sent you to the REAL web-site just yet, you merely place empty pages with
the title of what will eventually be there. (Just so that I have some idea
of the structure you have in mind.)

The suggestions for changes/additions/clairfications should be coming in
from the AGA MC more frequently as they review the Proposal and I don't want
to have to try keeping track of the master copy of the Proposal AND all of
the pages which will be on the web-site. It will be too confusing.

Speaking of confusion..... Ken Guin sent me a revamped "How Do I Enter?"
which reads MUCH better than the one I posted earlier today. Mine reads like
it was written by a lawyer and I think that Ken's version is much more
friendly and less intimidating.

I'll post it tomorrow.

James Purchase

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