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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #250

At 04:12 AM 2/26/2000 -0800, James wrote:

>Mmmmm..... I don't know if that's necessary. The copyright of the images
>belongs with the owner of the images. That is clearly (I think) stated on
>the Entry form now.
>I know what you are getting at - the case of a person having someone else
>photograph their tank and then submitting the pictures. You think that the
>photographer might object.
>Erik or Karen might have more experience with ownership/copyright issues and
>if they think that we should do this, I'd have no problem with adding a line
>to the entry form identifying the photographer.

It might be a nice courtesy to list the name of the photographer on the web
site if it's a deifferent person from the entrant.  But from a legal
standpoint, that's not the issue.  The issue is whether the entrant has the
permission of the photographer to use the photo in this manner.  To cover
OUR butts, it might be best to have a line on the entry form to identify
the photographer, and a check box asking the entrant to attach a copy of
their written permission to use the photo.  

There's probably not much of an issue, because there will be very few
professional photographers taking photos for entrants without knowing ahead
of time the exact purpose of the photos, but it never hurts to be careful.

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