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Ready for 2nd level of comments

My wife's been down in LA visiting family this week, so I'm trying to see
if I can push through the work on the "real" contest site before Friday
night.  Been working up until 1-2 all week so far programming, so I'm a
little tired and definitely a little testy on some feedback, but I will
try to be objective.  My goal is to get this thing in a more or less ready
state by Friday night.

At this point, I've got what I think is the main "framework"  needed for
us to initially go live, which as I understand it requires:

  * Guidelines and Resources
  * Online Entering
  * Printable Entering
  * Sample Entry

Not here yet (but should be by Friday):
  * final graphic for masthead
  * finalized sample entry - the paragraph on filters is missing,
    copyright is not burned into the photos
    and I might ask george for some captions for his photos,
  * E-mail addresses and the like (most missing info marked by XXX)
  * I want to put links from the active forms back to the guideline
    sections, perhaps opening them in a console or another window.
  * Photographer part of form

What I'm looking for this time round is:

  * People to just poke around the site.  Last round, one of the two
    testers couldn't even get anything to display on his browser!
  * Some more people to try and enter the showcase online.  (Not really
    enter, just type in fake information like they'll send photos later).
  * Comments on the usability.  Is everything clearly layed
    out and easy to read and follow?
  * Specific ideas on the layout of the sample showcase entry -- this is
    I beleive the weakest part thus far.  I'm not real happy with it so
    far, and am considering, for instance, half-width size images with the
    captions to the right and left of the image (and alternating
    right/left by image) instead of displaying each one centered with a
    "white card" below it.
  * Corrections, additions, omissions in the text.
  * Missing pieces?

Please post comments on the list, not to me personally.

Oh yeah, the URL is http://test.thekrib.com

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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