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2nd round of comments

At 04:12 AM 3/9/2000 -0800, Erik wrote:
>    Ready for 2nd level of comments

O.K., this is finally making sense to me - and I like what I see. Sorry to
have been difficult at times but I have a hard time envisioning where you
wanted this to go since I don't know css and didn't know how you would
accomplish what you have.

The "change scale" facility is one of the things which at first confused me
but now that I see it in context and in action as it worked on the sample
entry - WOW. This is really a neat feature and very nicely done.

One thing I did notice is how this "change scale" facility is integrated
into the site. When I first entered the "Sample Entry" page and noticed the
explanation regarding the "change scale" facility, I decided to try it.
Clicking on the "change scale" menu item took me to the right page but once
I made the change and clicked "save", I was re-deposited on the Welcome
page, not sent back to where I had come from (the Sample Entry page). I
don't know if it is even possible, but could this be done so that it knows
where you were when you invoked this "change scale" and then send you back
there, rather than to the Welcome page? This might be impossible, I don't

George's Sample Entry looks good - did you edit out his "other information"
on purpose? (he did go into a great deal of detail).

I like the "Register" and "Log On" facilities - and the same question comes
up with the "Log On" facility as with the "change scale" bit. If a person
tries to log on before registering - they are advised that they must
register first - this is fine. But after you register, when you log on,
shouldn't that indicate that you want to either submit an entry or change an
entry you made earlier? It would make sense (to me) to have a page where the
people are directed to which could determine if we have an entry for them or
not. If there is no entry, they could be directed to submit an entry. If
there is an entry currently in the database matching their userid, they
could be directed to an area where they could modify it. As it is now, they
are just delivered to the Welcome page. This may not be an issue - you may
just have not gotten to this yet.

In the "registration" area, it would help if you explicitly tell people how
long the password should be to cut down on the frustration of having to do
it multiple times until they get it right.

I don't know how clear those last paragraphs are - but I think that more
context needs to be given to these areas so that people know what they are
for and more pages might need to be added.

I want to rewrite the first page (and ONLY the first page) of the
"Guidelines" section - since I now have a better idea of the context of what
should go there, the current text is kind of lame (it's my text, so I don't
think anyone will mind if I ditch it). The individual guideline pages are
fine - blame microsoft for the typos that Karen found - I ran everything
through a spell check before.

I like the printable Entry Form and the Resources section is fine too
(hopefully all of the hyperlinks I put in there are still online - but
that's beyond our control).

A suitable "Welcome" message will also have to be written - I'm working on
it.... be patient please.

James Purchase

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