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Change Scale Facility

Erik, the way you now have the change scale facility integrated into this
works like a charm!  It can't confuse anybody now as they remain where they
were on the site during the operation.

A question regarding the screen presented to people who have registered and
submitted entry information (as I have). When I log back on using the "Log
On" screen, I am next presented with a screen showing my previously
submitted entries and there is a hyperlink which allows me to go to them and
revise them. This is very nice.

But there is also a hyperlink which allows for the addition of a "new
entrant", which leads to the "registration" area.

I'm wondering how the system determines what is a "new entrant" from a
"previously registered" entrant? What is to prevent someone from registering
multiple times and submitting more than the three entries/entrant limit we
decided upon? Or, for that matter, to prevent ANY entrant from submitting
more than 3 entries? I just added two tanks to the two I previously
registered, giving me a total of four aquascapes entered - which is over the
limit we decided upon.

Is this something you just haven't plugged in yet?

Regarding the new "Submission Guidelines" page - I like the way you have
italicized the descriptive narrative - it looks good. Below the Sample
Entries item, once the text reverts to normal, there is the following:

"You should now be ready to complete your entry. As has been noted earlier,
this may be done in a number of ways and we have endeavoured to make this
process as simple as possible. The Entry Form is available in a format which
you may print out on your own system at home and submit through the post
office. You may also enter online, by registering to use our Electronic
Entry Form."

In your earlier version, you gave hyperlinks for "Entry Form" (linked to the
printable version) and "Electronic Entry Form" (linked of course to the
registration area). These links were a good idea and perhaps you could
hyperlink those words once again.

James Purchase

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