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new sections


This may be premature, but then again, it may not be... since you are
working on the menu...

The Guidelines, Entry Form, Sample Entry, Registration and Resources
sections seem to be coming along very nicely or already complete. Everything
either works like a charm or soon will

I'm wondering how we approach the topic of new sections - such as some of
the following:

Prizes - we can't say too much about this now since we don't HAVE any, but
most contests let potential entrant know what they are competing FOR. Should
I write a page which lets people know the awards we are planning to give
out? How will this be integrated into the menu?

Judges - again, we can't say much at this point in time, but once we HAVE
judges, it might be nice to have a page which gives a short bio of each
person and their experience with the hobby.

Dates - we will need a page which gives the dates for things like deadline
for submission and announcement of winners, etc.

Viewing Showcase Entries - is the display of entries going to take place
right away or are we going to not display anything until after the closing
date (which of course hasn't been decided upon)? In other words, will the
"Showcase" portion of the event be open for viewing right from the
announcement of the event?

We have never discussed the actual display of submitted entries and how the
"Showcase" is going to be visually and logically separated from the
"Contest", both on the site and in viewer's minds. Erik, have you thought
about this yet?

James Purchase

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