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Re: PR

>According to Dave's website at
>http://www.users.uswest.net/~dvanderwall/AGAContestContacts/ there was
>extensive work done on the lists by some of the volunteers. However, there
>was quite a bit of overlap (and voids) that I don't think were ever
>straighten out. That, coupled with the time since the last updates, I am
>sure the lists are probably somewhat outdated by now and need to be updated
>once again. I think Dave did a great job pulling this together the last
>and I would love to see him coordinate it again.

I agree 200% on this. Lousi Lin is no longer with us but there ARE Canadians
here - would one of you care to put together a list of Canadian clubs with
e-mail contacts? It would be a big help - Erik and I can't do everything,
and if this is going to work we need people to pitch in when possible.

It would be great if Dave (or someone else) could co-ordinate this. Ideally,
I'd like to be able to contact as many freshwater clubs as possible via

I have a very short blurb I put together for publication in Dave Gomberg's
new magazine which would probably be perfect for a "first contact" sort of
thing. It isn't designed as a "poster" or anything like that but it gives a
good outline of the event and how to find us on the web.

In my travels over the web, I have come to realize that English, while a
very common language online, is only one among many in this world. There are
organized groups of hobbyists in MANY parts of the world and I think that it
would be valuable if the "blurb" I have could be translated and sent to some
non English groups as well. I'm going to be asking the translation
volunteers to do this.

Those of you lucky enough to be able to read/write in languages other than
English could be a BIG help here.

>In the meantime, I will begin verifying the addresses on my list again.
>that is done, I will contact each of them via email. If that is not
>appropriate, please let me know and I can hold off until something else is
>developed.  Last week, since I am a member of the PVAS, I contacted them
>about publicizing our event. I got an immediate confirmation that the
>information would be communicated to each of the members. I am hoping that
>the other clubs/societies will be as easy to contact and as cooperative as
>they were.

How easy it is to contact clubs depends entirely on how good/accurate the
lists are and how diligent people are in digging to find the appropriate
people to sent information to. I'm pretty sure that the clubs will love to
get the info and will do a good job of getting the information out to their
members, once we get it to the clubs.

As far as "making contact" - here's how I'd like it to go.....

- Someone volunteers to coordinate it.
- Other volunteers get the lists updated and expanded.
- I'll provide the "copy" to send out to ensure that the same info goes to
all clubs.
- The volunteers send out the e-mails to their sections of the contact lists
(they can cut and paste the "blurb" I provide into each message). I'd like
them to keep track of those clubs we have made contact with and also track
of those we know exist but are unable to contact (e-mail addresses can
change). We can do a second run through to pick up the missing clubs later.

We can also try and get this out to as many people with personal WEB SITES
as possible and ask them to place a notice on their web-sites regarding the
event. That is, we can if someone is willing to DO it.

James Purchase

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