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James and Dave V.:

I have updated the list of aquarium societies/clubs in VA, NJ, WV, CT, NY,
RI, MA, NH, and VT.

James, you mentioned that you had a blurb that you used in Dave G.s new
magazine that would be appropriate for us to use when we made our first
contacts with the societies/clubs. Could you send me a copy of that blurb? I
would like to get this thing rolling while I have the time.

Also, more than a few of the contacts I have to make have no email address,
so I was thinking about writing them a letter. I don't mind paying the
postage myself, but some of the other volunteers might not be so inclined.
Plus, some of the others may have a lot more without email addresses than I
do. How are we going to address this expense, or should we stick to emails

Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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