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Revised "PR Blurb"


AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest

The Aquatic Gardeners Association has announced the AGA International
Aquascaping Showcase & Contest. Taking place entirely on the Internet, this
event promises to be a unique opportunity for hobbyists to display and share
their aquascaping efforts with others around the world.

The event has two complementary aspects--a friendly, non-competitive
Showcase, in which all submitted entries are displayed on the Internet, and
a judged Contest, where hobbyists may compete to win valuable prizes.

Hobbyists of all age and experience levels are welcome to take part--you do
not have to be an expert to enter. All types of freshwater, brackish water
and paludarium aquascapes are welcome--planted tanks, biotope and habitat
tanks, rock-scapes, artificial plants, all have their place in the hobby and
all are eligible.

Judging of the Contest portion of the event will fall to an international
panel of experienced aquascapers, including past AGA Chair Karen Randall and
former TAG Editor Neil Frank. Joining them will be experts from Europe and
Asia to provide a truly international perspective to the judging.

Entries to the AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest should
consist of the following:
· 2 to 5 photographs of the aquascape (prints, slides or digital images are
· a diagram or planting plan of the aquascape (a hand-drawn diagram is
· details of the set-up and maintenance of the tank;
· a completed and signed entry form (available on the web site);
· an entry fee of $5.00 US per entry.

The web site contains a full array of information to help potential
entrants, including event guidelines, aquascaping resources and full details
of how to register and enter. Also available from the web site is a detailed
brochure in Adobe® PDF format which clubs may print locally for distribution
to their membership.

The closing date for submission of entries is September 30, 2000. Winners of
the Contest portion of the event will be announced by November 30, 2000. A
CD-ROM containing all submitted entries will be available from the AGA as a
permanent record of the event.

For further details about the AGA International Aquascaping Showcase &
Contest, please visit the web site at http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org
or send e-mail to showcase@aquatic-gardeners.org.

James Purchase

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