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David introduced a new and as yet undiscussed topic..... insurance....

"On a slightly more serious note, I'm checking into the possibility of
obtaining temporary insurance on the storage items should the
unwanted/unforeseen arise. As soon as we get a better handle on what's
coming I can get some more definitive quotes..."

To tell the truth, this didn't occur to me.... but I think it's probably
something we should talk about and decide upon.

There is no worry about the "Gift Certificates". I have a Safety Deposit box
at my bank and there is no problem with placing a few documents in it.....
it isn't stuffed totally full of gold bars and share certificates....

Actual merchandise is a different matter...

There are people here with far more experience with club contests..... how
have other groups dealt with this issue?

1. Is it necessary?
2. Who is insured - the person holding the prizes or the club?
3. How secure are the storage facilities and who has potential access to
them? Is there any possibility of water/rodent damage/break-in/fire/smoke
4. How much is it going to cost for the insurance?

James Purchase

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