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I've noted before that I'm keeping track of the accumulated $$$ value of the
donated prizes, mainly for "bragging rights". To date, our grand total,
WITHOUT the value of the 72 gallon tank/stand combo being determined, has
just topped $1,000.00. This is from 10 companies, I've sent out 89 e-mails
to date, and we have only heard back from 14 companies with a "final
answer". Two declines, one offer we can't accept.

All in all, I think that this "prize solicitation" blitz is going well.

I'm also concious however of the fact that a lot of people may be more
interested in the Showcase than in the Contest (the non-competative ones). I
don't want to shove the $$$ down their throats by bragging too loudly.

Erik, for reference, I'm keeping track of all of the "contacts" in a
spreadsheet and will probably be sending you a copy of it periodically. I
have it archived to disk here, in case of damage to my hard drive, but the
info it contains is too valuable to us to be lost. It will save a lot of
time in the future (for the AGA) to have a reference of who to contact in
the various companies, and it should be nice to have it in one place.


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