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RE: Judging Site & Judges

> (assuming three judges per category, but no limit on how many categories
> an individual judge may be assigned).  When a judge logs into the site,

We have set a maximum of 12 categories (Small, Medium and Large in each of
four separate areas) and we currently have 4 confirmed judges. Would you
recommend that we increase the size of our judging panel to 6 people, to
more evenly divide the workload among them? I imagine that we will get more
enteries in some categories than in others (I don't see as many paludariums
as aquatic gardens, for example), so this might be moot but each of the
areas (Aquatic Gardens, Paludariums, etc.) should have the same set of
judges reviewing it, should it not?

Since I've never been involved in the judging of an event like this, I'm
unsure; but I have been involved in a lot of "evaluation" type procedures
(like marking exams, evaluating job applicants, etc.) and it has always been
wise to ensure that all participants in any particular event be evaluated
using the same yardstick (and by the same evaluators) to avoid charges of
bias after the fact. Maybe it is just the years of fighting post-competition
appeals of Civil Service exams that have made me cautious, but I don't want
anyone who enters and looses to claim that the judging was unfair after the

If we have 6 judges, each set of 3 judges could be assigned to review
categories as follows:

A 1s, 1m, 1l, 2s, 2m, 2l
B 1s, 1m, 1l, 2s, 2m, 2l
C 1s, 1m, 1l, 2s, 2m, 2l
D 3s, 3m, 3l, 4s, 4m, 4l
E 3s, 3m, 3l, 4s, 4m, 4l
F 3s, 3m, 3l, 4s, 4m, 4l

Additionally, each "set" of three judges could/should probably be composed
of people from different areas, i.e America, Europe or America, Europe,

Thinking along these lines, we EITHER need 2 Asian judges (we already have 2
Americans and 2 Europeans) OR 1 more from each of America and Europe.

Since Amano has thus far ignored requests from both Neil Frank (he emailed
him back in April) and me, it might be hard to come up with two other people
from the Pacific Rim that share the same status and experience level (not to
mention "name recognition") of the confirmed judges.

While I am not worried about the timeframe you mentioned to complete the
programming for the actual judging process, I think that we have to settle
the number and identity of the remaining judges relatively soon.

James Purchase

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