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Re: People's Choice

"I could definitely do this.  To tell the truth, I hadn't thought about it
up to now.  It will probably require people to register with the site, in
order to avoid ballot stuffing.  Either that or we make it "entrant's
choice" and allow only those who registered as entrants to vote.  Third
alternative is that the people's choice voting is done via e-mail (which
would be a quick way to at least have (weak) verification.

In either case, if we were to do this, then the entries would be visible
during the same period as the judging.

One wrinkle.  Copyright notice on the photos.  Was not going to release
them to public viewing without the copyright notices.  Do we just bite the
bullet and show them anyway?  (Except for the judges)"

Erik (and everyone else.....)

I don't think that anybody has thought this through yet - we certainly
haven't discussed it much.

My initial thinking was that entries would be entered into the web site as
they came in and were scanned. I never expected them to be "viewable" until
after the closing date - that would mean that images would/should be
viewable shortly after September 30th. I know that to date we don't have
many entries, but it will be a monumental task for you if you leave it
(entering them into some sort of database) to the last minute. Remember
there is only 2 months between the closing date of the contest and the date
set to announce the winners and I want to give the judges as much time as
possible to do their work - I don't think that they would be impressed (or
be able to do a very good job) if we present them with a two week window in
which to work.

As for copyright, is it necessary that the name appear superimposed over the
image? Could it not appear below each image?

Currently (working from the Sample images):

|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                 Copyright Notice     |

Could we not do it like this:

|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
|                                                                |
  Image Number            Copyright Notice

Where the Copyright notice appears directly below, but not superimposed
over, each image?

For the interim period, while judging is taking place, instead of the actual
name of the individual copyright holder, could we not use something like
Copyright 2000 XXXXXXXXXXX*, and at the bottom of each page or frame state
that each image is copywritten by the individual entrant but their names
will not be made public until judging had been completed, to ensure
anonymity of the process. This I think will cover our backsides, and the AGA
should anyone try to rip off a picture and use it improperly. We WILL be
putting people on notice that these are NOT freely useable images and that
is 90% of what the Copyright statutes in most countries is about.

The words "Copyright 2000" SHOULD appear either superimposed or next to each
image, whenever they are displayed by us but I think that we can get away
with hiding the actual name of the entrant for the 2 month interim period.

What about:
"Image 001 Copyright 2000 Entrant 001";
"Image 006 Copyright 2000 Entrant 002";
"Image xxx Copyright 2000 Entrant 250"?

Each separate image has a unique number as does each separate entrant. For
the judges - they just get to know the entrant number. Once the judging is
done, the Entant numbers could be replaced with the entrants real names and
city of origin.

Couldn't this be done using a database and a simple (relatively) script? If
you will remember, months ago I mentioned something to you privately about
such a scheme.

As for people voting for "People's Choice", I see nothing wrong with
requiring them to register in order to vote. Easpecially if you can capture
any information which uniquely identifies them. But with the prevelance of
things like free hotmail accoounts (you can have any number of them), I
think that we are going to have to rely on people voting once on principal.
I prefer to allow a free vote for people's choice as opposed to merely an
"entrant's vote".


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