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RE: Schoeler and Ruling

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> > If someone enters with just one photo, do we disqualify them?
> Can you not e-mail them and advise the person that a valid entry consists of
> between 2-5 photographs of the same aquascape?

Two people appeared to have done this so far.  The first was a gentleman
in Singapore, who WILL be disqualified because he's not sent in his entry
fee, nor has he answered my two e-mails to him about multiple photos or
entry fee.  The latest turned out to be a false alarm.  She actually
e-mailed me the full complement of five pictures (digital), but had
included a crappy print with her check apparently just to match up
entries.  Of course the next step would have been to e-mail the person. :)
I was just anticipating potential entries like the Singapore guy.

   - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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