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Stuff for after September 30th

Judging - We had discussed the possibility of having a separate, private
list for the judges to allow them to communicate with one another during
their review of the entries and with a representative of the committee
should any questions arise should any problems arise. I would prefer if this
was a real list, rather than just e-mail passed from judge to judge, to
ensure that they are all "in-tune" with one another, and with us. The
membership of this judge's list would be limited to: Karen, Neil, Claus and
Kaspar as judges and myself as representing the committee. The judges will
each be provided with a copy of the Judging guidelines and left to do their
work. I only wish to be there in case they have any difficulties and intend
only to monitor it for questions that require clarification from the
committee (us). One problem I forsee is that I only have a rather generic
e-mail address for Kaspar - I don't know how appropriate it would be to use
the generic address I have for confidential mail (not that Dupla in Germany
is going to be spreading stuff around or that "national security" type stuff
will be discussed).

Erik, is there any problem with having this list set up and making it

CD-ROM's for the Judges - As soon as possible (early in October), once all
of the entries are scanned and online, we will have to determine if any of
the individual judges need or want a CD-ROM containing all of the entries.

"People's Choice" Voting - How are we going to handle the "People's Choice"
voting? This will require that a "Showcase" section of the web site be
created and the entries be visible from it. I don't know if any of the
entries we have received to date have been "showcase only" or not, but all
entries are eligable for the "People's Choice" award, so it shouldn't
matter. This voting should probably be going on sometime in October.

James Purchase

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