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New Intro Page


Once Sunday is past I would like to replace the text on the introduction
page of the web site with something more appropriate (kind of useless to be
inviting people to enter once the deadline is past). I would like to have a
list of the countries where entries have been received from so that I can
say something about the geographic range that our first try at this has
attracted. I don't intend to make mention of how many entries that we have
received yet (that will become apparent once the winners of the Contest are
announced) but the places they are from should be an interest catching

I'll probably just send you a plain text file with the replacement text, if
this is O.K.

I'd also like to have your take on when the images will be "viewable" by the
public in the ""Showcase". I realize that no one has requested to keep their
tank out of the Contest so some may think it superfluous to bother with two
separate sections, as the same entries will appear in both, but I think it
is important that we continue to put equal emphasis on the "Showcase"
portion of our efforts.

Do you want to hold off on the "display" of any images until after November
30th, or can we have the "showcase" available before that?

If it is possible, (and if it can be done with minimal effort on your part),
I think it might be interesting if people have two ways of viewing the
images - via the "Showcase" and then later (after the judges have completed
their work) via the "Contest". As the geographical diversity of the hobby
was what got this whole thing started in the first place, it might be
interesting if, in the Showcase, entries are sorted by geographic location
rather than by the classes we have in the Contest. This would remind people
that it was to see if there were any noticeable differences in how hobbyists
in various parts of the world approach aquascaping that was the genesis of
this whole thing.

It would be nice if as quickly as possible after Monday if I knew when we
could tell the public when they will be able vote for People's Choice (or
Entrant's Choice, or both.....it doesn't matter to me). This doesn't have to
happen like next week, but I think it is important that we maintain their
attention and give them an idea of when we will be ready to take their

James Purchase

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