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Re: People's Choice

Ken asked:
"One thing: are we still going to have the "peoples' choice" award and, if
so, what will they receive? I seem to remember that we were thinking about
dropping that award so as to not undermine the judges, but I cannot remember
what was decided."

Yes, People's Choice is definately still a "go" (as is "Entrant's Choice",
if Erik wants to do it). I think that our decision was that there is no need
to give a merchandise prize for either of those awards, but we _could_
reserve one of the 9 extra items I've pulled out for Honorable Mention
(perhaps the $87.00 value Practical Fishkeeping gift subscription might be

We also could investigate the possibility of giving them a "ribbon" in lieu
of a merchandise prize.

The issue of undermining the judges was (I think) directed more at the idea
that the committee would be handing out awards (our choices for Honorable
Mentions) willy-nilly in addition to our Judging Panel. When I thought about
it, I had to agree that this was not a good idea and I'm more than happy to
leave the selection of award winners in this event to the Judges (for the
regular awards and the honorable mentions) and to the entrants/general
public (for the People's choce/Entrant's Choice) awards.

Believe me, there will be plenty of grumbling _whatever_ way we decide to do
this. I just want it to be as fair as we can possibly make it.

James Purchase

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