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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #386

What about this?  What if we just award the bow front as the "big prize",
and state the actual problems involved with delivery.  If a Canadian from
Montreal, Vancouver or Toronto won the tank, I suspect that they might be
very willing to have it delivered to a pet store close to the boarder, and
go pick it up themselves.  For those who live outside of shipping range
possibility, we could offer to sell the tank on E-Bay for them.  I suspect
that they'd get at least close to the wholesale price of the tank, which
could buy them a very nice tank locally if they chose to spend the money
that way.

Remember, that whoever wins this will automatically also have already won
some pretty impressive prizes that we ARE shipping to them.  It might also
help with the "sting" of not being able to get the "big" prize delivered if
we bend our rule about "ribbons only" and, in the advent that the grand
prize needs to be awarded outside the country that we also send them a very
nice wooden display plaque.  If the photo of the tank is decent, we could
also put it on the cover of TAG and I think we should definitely try to run
an article on the winner.

You are not going to be able to completely replace the value of that tank in
someone's eyes by sending them a larger volume of lesser stuff.  You could
end up taking a lot of stuff away from other winners, and STILL end up with
the Grand Prize person being unhappy.

There's nothing we can do about the tank situation, but I think, if it is
tactfully handled, we can make that person pretty darned happy and still not
completely decimate the rest of the prize list.


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