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RE: selling the prize

Being one of the non North American on list I agree with Karen that selling
the prize and sending the money to the winner would be a very good option.
The cost and risks of shipping the tank would not make it a good option.
Although if I was the winner I would love to have the tank I would not have
to much problem on receiving the equivalent money for selling it. US
$400-500 is a lot of money to be spend on aquarium related stuff around
Remember that the initial motive for the contest was to share the aquascape
affords, nobody knew at the begging what prices we could get. Maybe it would
be a good idea to put a page on the website with the final breakdown of the
prices and the limits of them when it gets done.
For future contests we can state from the beginning that if any prize
couldn't be shipped to the winner it could be sell and the winner would get
the money as a prize.
Also I think that the winner of the people's choice award should get a
merchandise prize.

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