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Judges, Checks, and Uploads

Still no word from Kaspar...So do we just instruct the judges to get
going? Karen's already started, and her initial scoring has helped me
ferret out some display issues for the showcase.  Neil should have gotten
his CD by now, but may require some prodding to get him motivated.  I sent
off Claus' disk on Monday or Tuesday morning, so it'll be another week
before he starts (most likely), and I have no idea where he'll fit
everything in with his schedule.

I guess the lesson here is that I probably should have mailed everything
out to the judges the FIRST week, not the end of the 2nd, and that next
year we are specific that everything must be RECEIVED, not Postmarked, on
the 30th (my fault there). Oh well.

Originally I had a hope of having our two American judges finished by the
conference on the 3rd, but I am now (after thinking for the last 10
minutes) doubting this will happen.  I think we can perhaps make the
"preview" at the conference not show names or scores.

Two checks still have not arrived.  I have been in contact with both
parties, and I think their intentions are good.  They both sent them via
postal money orders back around the 24th of September, and both were
assured by their respective post offices that the money would arrive here.
Interesting coincidence, no?  Two different nordic European countries. One
is sending another entry fee, and the other is investigating with the post
office.  I have told them both that we will judge their entries, but
they'd better have it all resolved before we open the site and submit
stuff for publication.

  - Erik

PS: In totally unrelated news, I learned of an HTTP trick this week that
allowed me to write an "uploader" for the site.  Next year there will be a
new version of the "add/modify photo" page where people will be able to
enter not just the caption, but also the digital image itself...by
browsing for them on the local machine and hitting an "upload" button...
and within a few minutes can preview what they've sent, complete with
copyright burn-in and appropriate resizing.  No more e-mailing the images!  
No more having to add four images because they tried to do all five
pictures as a "single" image.  No more having to translate between their
cryptic filenames and OUR cryptic filenames.  The upload will take 3/4 the
time becuase it's done as binary rather than base-64 encoding for the mail
attachment.  And best of all, this will allow remote administration of the
images by multiple folks via the web.  So yeah, sure it's been in the HTTP
spec for 5 years, but I'm a bit stoked about finding this. :)

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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